We're Having A Baby!

Maternity Photography - JessNaturally

We have been keeping a little secret. If you have followed along on our journey you will know how amazing those words are to us. We have faced some ups and downs. Dealt with grief and loss. Over the last year and a half, we have gotten pregnant twice and lost both babies. Being this heart broken some people may have stopped trying but, I guess third time is a charm for us.

While our fertility journey has taken a turn. I want to personally acknowledge all those who are struggling trying to start a family of their own. To all of the women and couples out there who are yearning for a baby, who are grieving for babies they lost, who have that ache in their hearts, who are waiting for their time. Your time is coming, there is a plan for all of us! We all want pregnancy announcements to bring joy and excitement, but to those struggling through infertility it can be utterly heartbreaking to view. We sincerely hope that this announcement gives you hope instead, and does not add to your pain.

While we are absolutely thrilled and thankful for this little miracle, we want everyone to know that this baby does not replace the two that we have lost. This time around we have been overly cautious with telling people. So that is why this announcement is coming in slightly delayed at twenty-nine weeks. Every appointment and ultrasound has definitely cause major anxiety, but we are trying to stay positive and not dwell in the past.

We can’t wait to meet our rainbow babe in early May, it is already so loved! We have decided to keep the gender a surprise. Either way as long as the little one is healthy, is all that Chris and I care about.

24 Weeks

29 Weeks

30 Weeks

36 Weeks

33 weeks

38 Weeks


Baby Bash


What is Bokeh?