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Covid Made Me Pickup My Sketchbook

Living during a pandemic is not something we are prepared to do naturally, it has been such a learning curve dealing with this new way of life.

Over the past few weeks my mood and mindset has been all over the place. I have been struggling mentally. I am usually a homebody, but that is by choice. So feeling trapped at home, has definitely been triggering my anxiety.

Normally I escape into nature. But, with all parks, beaches and conservation areas closed, it is slightly more difficult. I am so thankful to have a yard to escape to when the weather is nice. When the weather is crummy out, I have found that carving out a little time for myself can really make a huge difference. I have gone back to sketching and drawing during naptime, and it has helped me focus on something else during these troubling times.

So here is one of latest pieces, a Humpback Whale.