Oceanic Manta Print


The giant manta ray is the largest ray and one of the largest fishes in the world. For many decades, there was only one known species of manta, but scientists recently divided that species into two: the giant manta ray, which is a more oceanic species; and the reef manta ray, which is more coastal in nature.

Giant manta rays are found worldwide in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters and are commonly seen offshore, in oceanic waters, and near productive coastlines. Due to their broad range and sparse distribution across the world’s oceans, there are still gaps in scientists’ knowledge of giant manta ray’s life history. There are reports of giant mantas living to at least 40 years, but little is known about their growth and development.

The most significant threat to giant manta rays is commercial fishing, both being targeted and caught as bycatch. Although conservation measures have been adapted in many places, demand for manta gills has increased dramatically in Asian markets. Fortunately, their interest to SCUBA divers and other tourism operations makes them more valuable alive than to fishers. This development may afford the giant manta more protection, but their value as meat and for traditional medicinal purposes continue to pose a risk to this species. Therefore, it is important for scientists to continue to monitor giant manta population trends to ensure that they do not continue to decline and to determine if other localized species might exist.

Manta Ray Art - JessNaturally
Oceanic Manta Ray Drawing - JessNaturally
Oceanic Manta Drawing - JessNaturally
Manta Art - JessNaturally

Fun Facts About Giant Manta Rays

  • Giant manta rays are the largest rays in the world with wingspans up to 29 feet (8.8 m) wide and weights up to 5,300 pounds (2,404 kg).

  • Manta rays are the only vertebrate animals with three paired appendages: two wing-like pectoral fins; two sets of gills; and two lobes that extend from the mouth and funnel in water.

  • Giant manta rays sometimes do somersaults while feeding to maximize their prey intake.

  • Giant manta rays can dive more than 3,280 feet (1,000 m) underwater, but typically feed only 33 feet (10 m) deep.

  • Giant manta rays give birth to one pup every 2 to 3 years. 6. Giant manta rays can live up to 40 years.

  • Giant manta rays have the biggest brains of any fish studied so far. They use that brain power to learn, exercise their memory, distinguish between objects and even recognize themselves in the mirror.


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