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Kieran Hogan Lewis Pepper

Our surprise boy, came bursting into our lives at 6:58 am on January 12, 2021. We had decided on a home birth this time around, because of how the world was at this time. Being in and out of lockdowns here in Ontario, once you checked into the hospital you were not allowed to leave, plus there were no visitors allowing in the hospital and I did not know how I would handle not seeing Freyja for over 24 hours.

Home birth just seemed like the way to go in my personal opinion. I felt so sure about the decision and planned it with my midwives. I would only go into the hospital if he came in early, or there were complications. However, life does not always go as planned. I starting having little twinges of pain around 6:00 am that woke me up. Being pregnant there is alway twinges of pain that come up and go away, like gas pains, round ligament pains, and just everyday life pains. So I figured I would just hop in the shower and hoped they would disappear.

By 6:30 am the pains had turned into full blown contractions, and we decided to call the midwives. They said they were on their way and not to push, and if I felt the need to push we should call the EMS. While Chris, was on the phone with them my water broke. The only place I felt comfortable was in the shower holding onto the curtain rod or kneeling over the edge. Chris urged me to try to get into the bed or some place more comfortable, I forcibly said no and that I was staying right where I was.

While I laboured in the bathroom, Chris was able to call my mom and arrange for my brother to come and pick up Freyja. Even though she was still sleeping peacefully. The pain is always so indescribable, it feels like no one should be able to experience that kind of pain and still be living. But, somehow women champion through it everyday.

My body was telling me to push and yet Chris was there telling me not to, or else he world have to call EMS. I tried so hard to stop pushing and hold back the contractions. I remember telling Chris, “Something feels wrong! I can’t do this!” And when he looked down he saw the head crowning. Thankfully, Chris was in the room and caught his newborn son. I will always remember cradling Kieran to my chest in those early moments, looking down at this beautiful boy with dark hair and wondering if what just happen was actually real.

Two teams of EMS arrived very shortly after Chris called them, their response time was amazing at only two minutes. They checked to make sure we were both in good health, and asked if we wanted to go to the hospital. I politely declined, as my midwife was already enroute. My brother got there to pick up Freyja, just as two midwives arrived. My midwives were amazing and got to work immediately making sure I was comfortable and Kieran was in the best possible health. I cannot recommend Lambton Kent Midwives enough, they were so knowledgable and always listened to any of my concerns. They made me feel like a person, instead of just another appointment they had to get through.

Kieran’s birth was definitely not what I had planned when I wanted a home birth but, it will always be memorable. I am so glad he got to write his own birth story, and that just his father and I were there to witness it.