

This year my daughter has fallen in love with MUSHROOMS!!!

If you have ever gone on a hike or a walk with a two year old, you get to stop often and notice little details that you probably would have normally just walked by. So, needless to say we got to stop and see lots of mushrooms. I have never really noticed how many mushroom species we have here in Southern Ontario, but my goal next year is to learn to indentify some of them. In October, ever hike we took in the Lambton Heritage forest, we were able to spot a new mushroom or fungus. These are just some of the mushroom species that we saw.

Golden Scalycap (Pholiota aurivella) – Lambton Shores, Ontario

Common Earthballs - JessNaturally

Common Earthball (Scleroderma citrinum) – Lambton Shores, Ontario

Honey Mushrooms (Armillaria mellea) – Lambton Shores, Ontario

Indigo Milk Cap (Latarius indigo) – Lambton Shores, Ontario

Cluster Bonnets (Mycena inclinata) on a Fallen Oak Tree – Lambton Shores, Ontario

Cluster Bonnets (Mycena inclinata) on a Fallen Oak Tree – Lambton Shores, Ontario

Turkey Tail on Oak Stump – Lambton Shores, Ontario

Slippery Jack - JessNaturally

Slippery Jack (Suillus granulatus) – Lambton Shores, Ontario

Slippery Jack - JessNaturally

Slippery Jack (Suillus granulatus) – Lambton Shores, Ontario

Coral Fungi - JessNaturally
Coral Fungi - JessNaturally

Summer Macro